Dr. Mohanish Kumar Sinha
Sinha Multi Specialist Hospital was established in 2015 with 50 functional beds and is committed to deliver quality care to its patients and our practicing standards are developing day by day as we are following national guidelines & NABH guidelines, with a great teamwork we will achieve accreditation very soon.
To provide quality health services to our community we started with 10 beds and 15 employees, Over the years our 10 bedded hospital grew to 50 bedded hospital and 3 major and 1 minor Operation Theater, the intent of this is only to help patients achieve longer, better lives and to improve the health status of our society.

Message from Director
Sinha Multi Specialist Hospital was established in 2015 with 50 functional beds and is committed to deliver quality care to its patients and our practicing standards are developing day by day as we are following national guidelines & NABH guidelines, with a great teamwork we will achieve accreditation very soon.
To provide quality health services to our community we started with 10 beds and 15 employees, Over the years our 10 bedded hospital grew to 50 bedded hospital and 3 major and 1 minor Operation Theater, the intent of this is only to help patients achieve longer, better lives and to improve the health status of our society.